Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What most people have forgotten - Dr. Paul Chappell

People do not trust Christ as their Saviour by reading our critiques of evangelism strategies.
Nor do they get saved in response to discussions about our busy schedules.
They don’t even respond to the Gospel through our clearly articulated articles and blogs on the issues or preferences we have in relation to other ministries’ issues or preferences.
This may surprise you…but people trust Christ as their Saviour when we personally share the Gospel with them.
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?—Romans 10:14
Soulwinning and evangelism are discussed frequently, but I find that they are practiced infrequently. Today, people like to philosophize and theorize on why it is important and how it should be done and how others are doing it wrong. But we need to get back to the main thing—the central mission of the church—and personally share the Gospel with those who do not know Christ.
The first word of Christ’s Great Commission is an important one—“Go.”
If we neglect to go, there will be some who will never hear the Gospel, and we will be in direct disobedience to Jesus Christ.
Who can you witness to this week? And when will you do it?
This article was originally posted on the Pastor’s Perspective.
October 29, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Personal Evangelism - Ouellette

Personal Evangelism

Dr. R.B. Ouellette
There are those who would tell us that evangelism is a gift—some Christians may have it, and others do not. Yet neither Romans 12 or 1 Corinthians 12 list evangelism among the spiritual gifts. The office of the evangelist is mentioned in Ephesians 4, however, this is not a listing of spiritual gifts, but of gifted persons. The reason for the omission among the spiritual gifts is simple. God gave His command to every believer to preach the Gospel (Matthew 28:19–20). How can we personally and effectively share this Gospel?

Follow the Scripture’s Model

In many of our churches, it has become common to go soulwinning at a particular time each week. I think it is wonderful to have a definite, scheduled time to go out and give the Gospel to people. I believe that if we don’t schedule a soulwinning time, many of us are not likely to go. Just as we have a time to read our Bible and a time to pray, we should have a time to go soulwinning. However, we have not completed our mission or obeyed God’s command when we have gone an hour and a half each week. Remember, the commandment is that the Gospel is to be given to “every creature.” Please note these examples from the lives of our Lord and His disciples.
Their soulwinning was personal. Though the Lord Jesus addressed crowds on many occasions, He also spoke individually to the woman at the well, to Zacchaeus, to the man who was blind from birth, and to a host of others.
While the early Christians were personal in their witnessing, it did not limit the scope of their soulwinning. Look at how the Bible describes their witness, “And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house” (Acts 20:20). “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word” (Acts 8:4).
“…ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine…” (Acts 5:28). Paul said, “…I am pure from the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26).
While I have had the privilege to win people to Christ out soulwinning many times, some of my most wonderful experiences have not been during a scheduled “soulwinning time.” I’ve led people to Christ on airplanes, in restaurants, in the line at a grocery store, across the counter in a motel, and in hospital lobbies. Wherever there are people, there are people who need to hear the Gospel.

Listen to the Holy Spirit

While we are commanded to preach the Gospel to every creature, we must always be led by the Spirit in the way that we approach them. It is interesting to note how the Lord Jesus used the conversation about a well to turn a woman to Christ. The Apostle Paul used a statue to an unknown God to tell people of the true and living God and His Son, Jesus. Stephen gave a complete lecture on Hebrew history before making the Gospel application which so angered his persecutors that they picked up rocks and began to stone him. Each approach was different. Each approach was led by the Holy Spirit.
Just a few months after I had come to First Baptist of Bridgeport, I was feeling a bit frazzled with all I had to do. I needed to work on a Sunday morning sermon, a Sunday evening sermon, a Wednesday Bible study, a Bible school lesson and a Bible school skit. I asked the Lord which one of these I should work on next. The answer I got was, “Go visit John Bailey.”
Now, I had given a multiple-choice question to the Lord and He had answered as if it were a fill-in-the-blank! When I had visited Mr. Bailey just a couple of weeks before, he was kind, but he had made it clear that he had studied with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and was not interested in trusting Christ as his Saviour. As I reluctantly drove to his home in response to God’s fill-in-the-blank answer, I remember thinking, “What do I say to a guy to whom I’ve just given the Gospel a couple of weeks earlier?” I came up with an extremely clever approach.
When he answered the door, I said, “Hi, have you thought any more about getting saved?” (See how subtle and smooth I was?)
To my surprise, he answered “Yes, I have.”
That day, John Bailey not only got saved, but he became a faithful member of our church and his was the first wedding I performed.

Spread the Seed Everywhere

At first, it might have seemed that witnessing to John Bailey wouldn’t come to anything. But as we learn from Jesus in the Parable of the Sower in Mark chapter four, our responsibility is to spread the seed of the Word everywhere. Some were sown on the hardened path were people walked. Some were on shallow ground with only a few inches of soil covering rocks. Some were on thorny ground and some on good ground.
This distribution can seem inefficient. Why would the Lord want us to waste seed in places where it seems obvious that fruit cannot come? Because He wants everyone to hear the Gospel. In addition to that, we may not be as much of an expert at determining what the condition of the soil is as we think. Many with hardened exteriors have hungry hearts. That’s why we ought to give a tract to every person we can; to speak to every person we have the opportunity to, and not to disqualify anyone in our mind. Despite falling on several types of grounds which did not yield fruit, some did. “And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred” (Mark 4:8).
We plant, others water, but God gives the increase.
I am often reminded of a story that I heard Dr. Ford Porter, the author of God’s Simple Plan of Salvation, tell when I was a young man. He had ridden his bicycle to a bus stop and was passing out Gospel tracts. He began a conversation with a man on the bus. The man was interested and was listening to the Gospel but the bus was pulling away. As clearly as he could in a limited time, Dr. Porter explained the Gospel to this man and led him to Christ. He even rode his bicycle along the bus for a short time as it pulled away from the stop. Later on, someone said, “Ford, don’t tell that story. No one will believe it.” After all, the time was short, the conversation was rushed, and though Dr. Porter did the very best he could in the time allotted, it wasn’t what we would call a thorough presentation of the Gospel.
A few months later, Ford Porter was at the same street corner, this time without his bicycle, passing out tracts and trying to win people to Christ. He asked a passerby if he was on his way to Heaven and the man said, “Yes.”
“Wonderful,” said Dr. Porter. “When did you get saved?”
“Well,” he said, “A couple of months ago, I was riding a bus and a man on a bicycle came by and gave me a Gospel tract.” Let us give as much Gospel as we can to everybody we can and trust God, by His Spirit, to bring forth fruit.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fruitful Follow-up from Dr. R.B.Ouellette

The Pastor's Toolbox: Fruitful Follow-Up

Dr. R.B. Ouellette
While we all wish to give the Gospel to everyone we can, most of us are burdened to see more of our converts come to church. Here are a couple of simple thoughts that I’ve found helpful in this endeavor.

What to Say after Salvation.

I observed years ago an interesting phenomenon. After someone accepted Christ, I would begin to encourage him to get baptized, read the Bible, and attend church. When I did, the entire atmosphere changed. Up until this point, I had been trying to do something for the individual. Now it seemed to them I was trying to get something from him. So I learned a very helpful technique to avoid them feeling pressured:
After a person has trusted Christ, and I have explained assurance of salvation to them, I say something like this: “I’m so glad you’ve trusted Christ. It is the most important decision you will ever make. I have seen people who make this decision have wonderful blessings in their lives. I have seen others with not such obvious results. The difference is in what they did with what God gave them. On a scale of one to ten, where would you like to be in your Christian life six months from now?” (Most people will answer somewhere in the seven to ten range.)
I then say, “That’s great. Would you mind if I shared a few thoughts to help you reach your goal of being an eight in your Christian life six months from now?”
Notice what changed. I am now giving them instruction by permission in order to help them reach their goal. Then I share with them the importance of reading the Bible, praying, attending church and letting others know they have trusted Christ.

Building Relationships through Indefinite Follow-Up.

One of the best pieces of advice Dr. Chappell and others have given for soulwinners is to keep an active prospect list. This is a list of ten to twenty people who need to be saved, baptized, or join the church. I have found that if I contact them each week trying to get them to church, I’m back to the same dynamic I mentioned earlier—getting them to do something for me. Because of this, I have taken a different approach.
When I call them, I ask if I can pray for any needs they have. I keep their requests on my prayer list. When I go back the next week, I ask if there is anything else for which I can pray. You would be shocked how many times people will say at this point, “Well, just pray that we get in church!” It is much more powerful when they tell me they need to be in church than when I tell them they need to come.
It is important to keep this relationship with new Christians for an indefinite period of time. Some may not come for months or even years. As long as there seems to be a good reception, continue to contact them until they come.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Habits of Fruitful Soulwinners - Paul Chappell

Habits of Fruitful Soulwinners

7 Characteristics of Spirit-filled Soulwinners
Christ’s last command before He ascended to Heaven is found in Mark 16:15:“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Every person has an eternal soul, and it is our privilege and responsibility to share with them the good news of salvation. Proverbs 11:30 says, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Although we do not save souls, we are to witness to them and lead them to the Lord who doessave them.
How can we take these biblical principles and practically apply them in personally leading others to Christ?
We must first realize that no one becomes a good soulwinner by accident. Fruitful soulwinning happens through Spirit-filled people who develop habits of being ready and available for God to use them.
Below are seven habits that I have noticed are consistently present in men and women who regularly lead others to Christ:

1. Fruitful Soulwinners Pray for a Burden

It’s so easy for our burden for others to get swallowed in the rush of a busy schedule. Don’t allow your burden for souls to get buried in projects, meetings, and memos. The only way that I know to sustain a heart-felt burden for souls is to daily pray for God to help me see lost people with His compassion. If this is not already on your daily prayer list, add it!

2. Fruitful Soulwinners Carry Gospel Tracts

One of the best soulwinners I know is my friend, R.B. Ouellette. The readiness with which he gives out tracts is a challenge to me. When we travel together, he has tracts at his fingertips and will almost always have given one out while I’m still reaching into my pocket for one.
Carrying tracts helps me be soul conscious wherever I go. Additionally, a Gospel tract equips you to easily begin a conversation about the Lord and salvation. Even if you only have a moment, at least you can leave the other person with a printed Gospel presentation.

3. Fruitful Soulwinners Schedule Time for Soulwinning

We should witness for the Lord everywhere we go, but I’ve noticed that our schedules reflect our priorities. Those who regularly lead others to Christ have made soulwinning enough of a priority that they place it in their schedule.
In my own life, I’ve found that if I don’t block off time for soulwinning on my calendar, I’ll never have time. Year round, I plan weekly time for soulwinning. But there are some seasons of the year (such as our church’s Open House outreach or our Christmas or Easter musicals) in which I schedule extra hours to go door to door with the Gospel.

4. Fruitful Soulwinners Keep an Updated Prospect List

I’ve written before about how a prospect list helps you strategically and wisely follow up on soulwinning visits. Our tech team even designed a smart phone appto make it easy.
But there is another benefit to keeping a prospect list—it’s an accountability tool that helps you monitor your own soulwinning. If you keep it updated carefully, you’ll easily see how tenacious you are in following up on prospects. You might even consider sharing your list with a friend for added accountability.

5. Fruitful Soulwinners Are Attentive in Church Services—Especially During the invitation

It is amazing to me that a lost person can attend a Baptist church and leave with no one having talked to him about salvation. Those who are soul conscious seek out visitors at church, befriend them, and specifically ask them about salvation. They don’t just assume that everyone they see is saved, but they make it their mission to find out!

6. Fruitful Soulwinners Are Hospitable

Some people are saved during a brief encounter with a soulwinner at their doorstep. But many require hearing the Gospel multiple times before they understand their need for salvation. Hospitality allows you to build a relationship that will facilitate multiple presentations of the Gospel. When you invite someone to your home or spend time with them across a restaurant table, it assures them that you are genuinely interested in their lives, and it opens them to hear your message.
Of course, hospitality is also an essential ingredient in discipling someone after they are saved.

7. Fruitful Soulwinners Involve New Converts in Soulwinning

Every unsaved person has unsaved friends. Fruitful soulwinners encourage new converts to reach their unsaved friends. They ask them who their friends are and help new converts share their testimony with their friends.
I’m sure we could add more habits of fruitful soulwinners, but these are some that have stood out to me recently.
Soulwinning itself is a habit! Only the Holy Spirit can convict hearts of their need for Christ (John 16:8–9), but He uses Christians who make time to talk to people face to face and share the wonderful news of salvation.